Free feasibility by registered planner!Dual Occupancy,Townhouses,Property Subdivisions Medical centre,Childcare,Commercial.
Sound property subdivision advice by experienced experts will determine your chance of success at your local council. Any subdivision has to be approved by Council. AuArchitecture will study all aspects of your property and recommend tailored design and town planning solutions to new and experienced property subdivision developers across Melbourne and regional areas. Get your Free opinion today.
Sound property subdivision advice. Invest in my experience. FREE! Site Advice.
Invest in my Property Subdivision experience




The property
Thinking of a property subdivision?
Each property is an individual.
It requires a customised design solution to satisfy planning regulations.
A one size fits all method does not generally work for property subdivisions.
Request your
Can I subdivide
Analysing the subdivision potential requires more than just guess work.
It's a thorough and detailed exercise where design and planning experience matters most.
One needs to evaluate the property against the local Council's planning policies and site constraints.
Town Planning
Outstanding designs work when married with town planning knowledge and economic viability.
Experience says good outcomes are the result of overlaying functional design with town planning knowledge.
Our Founder excels in good design and strategic planning solutions.
Practical design solutions with a wow factor to meet your budget is what we do well.
If a signature design is what matters most or if a practical easy to build solutions matters more, we can help.
Our ego is less important than your needs. Sure, we love great design but know budgets matter.
Property Subdivision Foundation:
Right property
Right planning solution
Right Design solution
Best Council management practice
Strong negotiating skills
Design Solutions on the Go.

Modular Apartment design for a mix of 1,2 and 3 bedrooms units creating 12 lot strata subdivision

Two lot subdivision on narrow but deep property

12 lot subdivision on consolidated lots

Detached Duplex style dual occupancy two lot property subdivision

Tandem style dual occupancy subdivision on irregular shaped property

Seven lot subdivision on the property close to Activity Centre Zone

Two lot subdivision on narrow property near Melbourne

10 lot subdivision on consolidated properties

Two lot subdivision on 8m frontage site