How to develop your property . Step by step process.
First things first!
What can you build on your block of land? A dual occupancy (2 houses on the block) or more than two?
Contact us for a complimentary Site opinion.
Once we agree on the best fit for the land, the Town Planning documentation, including a Planning Report, is prepared and submitted to your local Council. See an example here.
Council may require some design modifications and then advertise the Application.
Neighbours - in fact any one- can comment or object to the Advertised plans.
Council will take these into consideration before making a decision.
Once a Planning Permit is issued and drawings stamped by Council, we start the Building Permit documentation which is more comprehensive.
At Building Permit preparation stage, Engineering, soil report, energy report etc are required by the Building Surveyor who will certify the plans.
Your builder can then quote and provide a written contract.
Your Lender will require the Contract, Building Permit stamped drawings to offer a Construction loan.
You can then start the building process.
Once the services are installed ( sewer, water, connection to storm water, power, NBN etc) , you can think of subdividing the lots or can do it at any stage after the construction is completed.
Site Assessment.
AuArchitecture will take into consideration the critical data your local councils will assess for a development application.
Items like property title, easements, covenants if any, parking, vegetation, zoning, overlays, site dimensions, aspect/orientation, neighbourhood character development precedence to name a few.
Town Planning Documentation
AuArchitecture will prepare a comprehensive suite of plans, elevations, shadow diagrams, design response, a planning report to name some of the components which will constitute a Planning Application.
We will address any concerns or permit condition design change Councils will require before issuing a Planning approval and stamped drawings.
Building Permit
Once the Planning drawings are stamped, we can start on the Building Permit documentations.
They will include all the drawings required fora builder to tender on the project.
We will complete and co ordinate the other consultants works.
At the least, there will be a set of Construction drawings by an Architect or Registered Building Practitioner, Specifications, Structural engineering design and computations, civil engineering ( drainage design), Energy report, soil report and others as required.