Free feasibility by registered planner!Dual Occupancy,Townhouses,Property Subdivisions Medical centre,Childcare,Commercial.
A duplex design is typically a knock down one home and build two side by side units each with street frontage which adds real value. Can you duplex your site?
A lot depends on the local council policy, the width of the frontage, neighbourhood character, features on the nature strip and footpath like pits, poles and trees and aspect.
Some of the design and town planning challenges one might face are:
Will Council allow two driveways?
Are there trees or poles on the nature strip which restricts two driveways being built
Does Council have a minimum property frontage width for a duplex
Will the duplex overshadow your neighbours amenities
Ideally the back should face north to tick all the energy efficiency boxes and avoid over shadowing your neighbours land

The narrow site offered design challenges and opportunities. Council approved the 12 metre wide duplex on a busy road. Each unit has 4 bedrooms and shared basement parking.
The owners wanted a grand layout for their duplex architecture.
The site had a big drain cutting through the land at an angle.
The owners flipped the plans and permits for a huge profit !
The owners did not want common walls to provide construction flexibility. One was going to live in their 5 bedroom zoned living unit. The other would flip after Council's planning approval

Moreland Council approved this contemporary architecture in a street with older style designs. The units are totally separate each on its own title.
The owners wanted large units. The basement parking provided ample space on the ground floor to accommodate 5 bedroom units.
A low build cost and traditional design was the most appropriate design response for the 600sqm block

In some instances Council might not support the duplex you desired. We provide a solution where the project is redesigned midway so you save the Application fees.
The subdivision process is as follows:
1. Design the two side by side dwellings- draw the plans, elevations, shadow diagrams, overlooking diagrams, Garden Area plan, site context etc, etc as required by Council. Prepared inhouse.
2. Have the land survey completed by our surveyor.
3. Have an arborist report prepared if required.
4. Write the town planning report. Done inhouse.
5. Draw the informal subdivision plan. Done inhouse.
6. Prepare a Sustainability Report (SDA) This is quite a comprehensive document done by an external consultant
7. Lodge the plans and reports with Council.
8. Manage the Application at the Council. Respond to letters, notices, make design changes as required.
9. Council supports the second driveway and the Duplex or does not.
10. If it does not, change the re design to battle-axe- one behind the other. Done inhouse at no additional fee.
11. Council advertises the Application.
12. Objections managed.
13. Council issues a Permit with conditions which must be satisfied- like connection of services,sewer,water power etc).
14. Prepare Construction drawings for a Building Permit.
15. Obtain tenders and start building.
16. Once all services are connected to both dwellings, prepare a formal plan of subdivision.
17. Council confirms both lots are connected to all services via a Certificate of Compliance( sewer, power, water, gas etc)
18. Lodge the Subdivision docs ( item 14 and 15) with the Titles Office
19. The Two Lots are formally registered and can be sold each with its title.
Note at Item 13 one can offer the lots for sale, but settlement cannot occur till both the lots are
formally registered at Item 19. Your lawyer needs to prepare the Contract of Sale with Special Conditions. Seek their advice first.
Duplex- more like a grand home!
Duplex- Vastu architecture similar to Feng Shui